The Best Flowering Trees to Plant in Your Yard This Year

Spring is in the air, and it’s time to freshen up your yard for the new season. Why not breathe a little bit of life into your landscaping with flowering trees? Adding trees with flowers is an easy way to bring color and texture into your overall landscape design, and we’re here with our top tree options to consider for your yard refresh.

Which Flowering Trees Will Best Fit Your Yard Aesthetic?

White Dogwood: White Dogwoods are trees with white flowers – the blooms have white petals surrounding a cluster of tiny yellow flowers that burst from the center. You won’t just get to enjoy a White Dogwood in spring and summer, either – in the fall, the dark green leaves turn reddish-purple before falling off in the winter. These flowering trees are suitable near buildings and patios and usually reach a mature height of around 25 feet.

Eastern Redbud: Looking for a tree with pink flowers? The Eastern Redbud offers a resplendent display of small, rosy pink flowers every April. The dramatic color is then replaced with heart-shaped green leaves that eventually turn a beautiful golden yellow in the fall. This tree usually has a mature height of between 20 to 30 feet.

Southern Magnolia: Southern Magnolia trees add refinement to any yard with their large white blossoms in the spring and smaller flowers throughout the summer. These trees with white flowers also have glossy, dark green leaves that are a beautiful addition to any landscaping. Southern Magnolias can grow anywhere from 20 to 80 feet in height. Be aware, though – they do drop falling leaves and fruit, so they work well in an ornamental bed where the dropped leaves will blend in more.

Yoshino Cherry: If you can’t decide between white and pink blooms, opt for the Yoshino Cherry for your next tree with flowers. Its blooms are a whitish pink and explode into life in March and April. On top of that, the flowers emit a faint but pleasant almond smell, and the trees have stunning dark green leaves throughout the summer. Their mature height is anywhere from 40 to 50 feet, and they’re known for being drought-resistant.

Tree with Pink and Red Blooms

Prairiefire Flowering Crabapple: This tree with pink flowers is known for its unique color – the pink is a dark, almost red hue that’s reminiscent of fall foliage at times. The blossoms are long-lasting, spanning April and May, and the leaves turn an unusual bronze color in the fall. These small flowering trees are renowned for being disease-resistant and can adapt to many different site conditions. Prairiefire Flowering Crabapple trees have a mature height of anywhere from 15 to 20 feet.

Delta Blues Vitex: If you want something other than pink or white hues in your yard, the Delta Blues Vitex brings an amazing burst of purple to the scene. These small flowering trees bloom in mid-to-late summer and can either serve as a tree or a shrub. The mature height is between 8 to 10 feet, and they’re perfect for attracting hummingbirds and butterflies in your pollinator garden.

American Fringe Tree: This tree with white flowers is native to North America and blooms in the late spring. The unique flowers look like a “fringe” rather than a traditional bloom, and the trees are perfect for wildlife gardens or native plant designs in your landscaping. If there’s a male and female tree present, the tree may grow red fruits and attract birds. The American Fringe Tree typically matures to a height of 25 to 30 feet.

Tree/Shrub with Pink Blooms

Smoke Tree: The Smoke tree is another tree with pink flowers, but the blooms are shaped and textured in such a way that they bring pink smoke to mind; smoke trees have tiny pink flowers with long pink filaments attached to them for an incredibly unique appearance. This small flowering tree usually has a mature height of 10 to 15 feet, which makes it perfect for planting in beds and small yards. There are even purple-leaf varieties for a mix of options.

Crape Myrtle: Crape Myrtle trees offer a wide range of colors when they bloom in summer through fall. The bark offers unique striations, and the trees typically mature to a height of 10 to 20 feet. These small flowering trees are ideal for lining driveways and entryways, as well as any other compact space.

Flowering Almond: Another small flowering tree with pink flowers, the Flowering Almond tree can serve as either a tree or a bush in your yard design. It has striking double pink blossoms interspersed with bright green leaves and does well in full sun with well-drained soil and regular trimmings. These small flowering trees usually reach heights of 15 feet.

Hawthorne: The iconic Hawthorne tree typically blooms in mid-to-late spring and offers a variety of colors, including white, pink, or red. While they often have thorns, there are thornless varieties available. Additionally, the Hawthorne tree has small berries that turn bright red in fall and last all winter long for vibrancy in a dull winter landscape. Hawthorne trees typically reach a mature height of 10 to 25 feet.

Find the Right Trees with Flowers for Your Landscaping 

Ready to add trees with flowers to your yard? Our sister company – Hometown Landscape, can help you choose the right flowering trees for your property. If you already have trees on your property that are in need of maintenance or trimming, contact Hometown Tree Experts today.

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